Posts Tagged ‘raw food’

Spinach Mango Banana Smoothie

Breakfast this morning:

Spinach Mango Banana Smoothie

2 large handfuls fresh organic spinach
1 1/2 c water
12 oz frozen organic mango pieces
3 frozen organic bananas

Zip the spinach and water in a blender until broken down into tiny bits. Add in frozen fruit and blend until smooth.

I love enjoying a fresh green smoothie in the mornings! Nothing like starting the day with raw enzymes, delicious fruits, and healthful greens!

This recipe will make enough for me, my husband, and two small cups for my kids. We all love it! 🙂

Hello, and welcome to my Blog!

Hi there!

I am starting this blog in order to help organize some of my art, recipes, ideas, and goals.

I am a Christian, wife, mom, homeschooler, vegan, runner, gardener, artist, knitter.

I am interested in music, raw food, recipes, homemaking, crafts, green living, etc. I hope to share these interests here.

I’m all about trying to live green. I make my own beauty and cleaning products.

I am a member of a local organic food co-op, and with each box of colorful produce, I find a challenge to find or create a new from-scratch recipe! I hope to share these here.

I make 99% of the food my family eats from scratch. (My recipe collection is constantly growing). I am eating 100% vegan due to health reasons (more about that later), but my family will eat an occasional bite of organic cheese or even organic meats, on rare occasions. I try to make 6 dinners a week be vegan for our entire family, for my family’s health and wellness.

I want to be all that I am intended to be, and hope that my sharing here will be a blessing.